Friday, November 8, 2013


I am sorry that I have not been posting things lately so I am doing things better.And also let's face it my    
recent posts have been kind of lame so I am doing better posts once a week.I'm not telling you which 
day of the week I'm posting,that's a secret.Also each post will be on a different day.Anything else? no? 
Thursday, July 25, 2013

subject of the week: Herobrine.

If you are a fan of minecraft, which probably you are, You must know about Herobrine. I know the name sends fear into you computer-minecraft-people. I as well as some of you wached the documenterery on Herobine, And I beleive in him, He adds a thrill to the game, On the other hand if I find him in my place, I'll slug him!
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Subject of the day: Lego's

Like most boy's my age, I like Legos.War machines is what I mostly build. And when I go to a friends house we battle with them. I also like Minifigures, right now I have around 100. My friend has around 200 GRRR...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
I love the illustration of this Creeper!  I want this shirt. []

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